Last month I blogged about how dressage is for all horses (click here to read it) and it can be difficult to appreciate the same movement with different horses. There are a lot of factors that affect how a movement looks with different horses, some of the main ones are
Whilst I take these factors into consideration, I always look to develop the horse as fully as possible. Often by using the developmental exercises to build towards a more difficult movement, the horse comes into their own and offers you the steps you were seeking to create. Each horse gives movements their own expression and unique quality and this can be difficult to appreciate. When you see big moving expressive horses striding through half pass, it’s easy to dismiss such a movement from your cob’s training program. However, if you train the qualities of each movement more things become possible. For example the qualities to look for in a shoulder-in are
With this in mind, it becomes easier to train all horses in the basic lateral movements, and often further movements develop from there. ©Training Riders, Transforming Horses |
AuthorDiane Followell Classical Dressage Trainer